this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
rick archer, who is the interviewer over at “Buddha at the gas pump” has a rather amusing story about being in Tehran and doing that sort of meditation in a long retreat with the TM group sent there, I think it was one of the world wide TM meditations that maharishi occasionally organized to bring
“ peace ”, anyway outside Tehran was slowly descending into the revolution, rick said they could see smoke from a building being set on fire !
rick (may have?) commented that it was not the effect they wanted, but my thought was, just be grateful for an effect, even if it is opposite :o)(
rick archer, who is the interviewer over at “Buddha at the gas pump” has a rather amusing story about being in Tehran and doing that sort of meditation in a long retreat with the TM group sent there, I think it was one of the world wide TM meditations that maharishi occasionally organized to bring
“ peace ”, anyway outside Tehran was slowly descending into the revolution, rick said they could see smoke from buildings being set on fire !
rick (may have?) commented that it was not the effect they wanted, but my thought was, just be grateful for an effect, even if it is opposite :o)(
nice sunny if the usual windy day, (29th october) sunbathed 1.22 to 1.37 , 15 mins, uvb reading 59
i feel it's actually doing something ! :o)
one sorta has to get up to the uvb reading of 59/60 for that to happen, possibly that the bilirubin processing and infra red effects start to cut in in a significant way ! :o)(
ok so what is the problem that you had to delete this
comment ?
“ meetings in something ! ? if you have apretty face there's prettier, if you talk nonsense there's someone prepared to talk more nonsense ! : o ( )( ”
i had a link to some nonsense written by that very pretty face saraswathi ma if there's any truth in photographs :o), god knows how old she really is since that photo was taken........... :o(
is non duality is some sort of flower arrangement? to be real then you have to look at what is cutting and develop a sense of humor for a start !
is this all some circus of pretty and handsome faces (jeff i love you ;o) like flowers in an incredibly brittle jar that shatters the moment someone hits the right resonance ?
so whoever deleted that, why not reply and discuss what you see as the problem? why are you involved in this, flower arranging which only lasts as long as the flowers are pretty and fresh or something more ?
it's just so basic to learn to expose yourself in an intelligent fashion, what possible issue could there be to your fronting up and discussing this ?
walking away from lighting up the room with floral arrangements into the brilliant glorious garden
outside ? !
to whoever deleted that comment I am asking you to reply, I really am !
I am open to the possibility the lisa's “reputation” as a teacher might be hurt, but it's not !
she shows herself to be able to handle this sort of thing which is way ahead of most !
i think (most !?) people appreciate that she has a certain lightness, humor and intelligence ! :o )(
the real cost is in fact born by myself through the time this takes and it's something I think about as sewing the rip in my trousers from climbing over a barb wire fence in the very early morning out hunting is still not done !
plus heaps more remaining to do ! :o(
lisa cairns posts
this link
meetings in something ! ? if you have apretty face there's prettier, if you talk nonsense there's someone prepared to talk more
nonsense ! : o ( )(
herb, schizophrenics
dream , well we are all schizophrenic and it takes
doing to knock the stuffing and crap out !
do I have to say more?
you seem to suffer from a massive hubris, partly remedied by permitting contrary viewpoints which is unusual in zen and advaita, that's the first step, what's the second ?
a more discerning judgement of life and developing a scepticism about ourselves and others ?
herb replies
Well I wouldn't say I suffer from hubris, I find it fun and empty. And zen embraces contradiction more than any other path I know of. If you can understand these points there might be more to say, the rest of your response doesn't make any sense, I suppose it could with rational explanation, but don't worry, I won't delete it
catholicism seems to be the king of handling contradictions :o)(
herb your reply is hubric !
brad warner also complained of not being able to understand what i write, like you he is at the bottom of a set of stairs he will not climb and complains that some-one at the top shouldn't be there !
what zen is home to is a profound and cheap anti-intellectualism that handcuffs all those involved !
you !
herb replies
If Catholicism handled contradiction it would teach that god is real and doesn't exist at all, both. Zen handles this by teaching emptiness of both relative and absolute. Gnostics maintain the absolute form and call absolute emptiness the devil. Both our replies are hubric, there is nothing inherently wrong with that. And if you translate awakening as handcuffs then you're a hater from the get go and all arguments will be a lose lose. Or maybe you could be more specific about your personal experiences with teachers and sanghas and how you came to feel you were handcuffed to zen?
my reply
lol, I am a hater from the word go ! :o)
any religious organization that can have a raving queen as pope (pope benedict the 16th, also known as joseph
ratzinger ) and ostracize homosexuality takes the crown of hypocrisy imo :o)
kensho is the beginning and not the end and zen is ruined by individuals teaching with avery partial understanding, your situation is similar to brad warner who never moved on from his opening experience on the bridge over the sangawa river because zen teaches complete self sufficiency of knowledge and a very deadening anti-intellectualism, so he was crippled instead of helped by his experience because he never looked around into the very wide world of writing, from emily dickinson to charles bukowski to sa'di to give the very fast rate of progression need to compensate for our very limited lifetimes and really by 50 we have lost the intellectual acuity needed !
until true dai kensho happens you will never be able to put yourself in the position of moving to that intelligent self effacement that will release you from from the handcuffs you keep relocking ! :o)
it's like tai chi, you just have to let the body weight of the opponent collapse itself and at same time improving your own skill level, you can argue with me, but the proof of the pudding is you are unable to let me fall from my own momentum....................
you ask about my experience with zen and sanghas, i was involved with john loori and mt. tremper and the auckland, new zealand zen society for a while, also kwan um zen, john was quite schizophrenic but not entirely wrong and had other redeeming aspects to him, kwan um zen i liked better as it was more tolerant and open, but ultimately still misguided, it's sorta bit weird at the end of the day to see the crazyness for what it is and the real zen lost to time as it usually is and no-nothing frauds and idiots spewing their trash to all eternity !
you and others may argue i am the one misguided, well that's your judgement and all we do is look at each other ...: o)
it's fundamental to the dai kensho experience that you see what self abatement is, you and brad warner have obviously had something because you both tolerate what you disagree with somewhat, the others who all ban have never got to square one!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's then thirty years to work that through and i guess i am learning that most never move and that basically the experience was never true dai kensho in the first place :o()
human bullshit and stupidity is endless.......:o()
zen is actually a true aristocracy of understanding and development and if you are part of that aristocracy you will know cause the dumb idiots who make the very vast majority of the people involved endlessly censor, castigate and otherwise try to remove you :o)
herb replies
tell me how enlightened you are, really, please, i'm serious
my reply
how enlightened was charles bukowski, how enlightened was fyodor dostoyevsky ? zen teachers (today?) are not fit to wipe their arses :o()
i don't think you quite get you are outclassed herb !
if you can bear to drop your egoic attachment to being one of that rabble called zen teachers you might take the “ get out of jail free ” card/s that charles bukowski, fyodor dostoyevsky, emily dickinson, and sa'di give you
were they enlightened ???? !!!! ................
questions !!!!!!!!!
whole/ shonky
fernando torres plays in a too injured state, just fucking his later life, but then most professional sports are like that, concussion damage in american football is unreal for
instance !
at the end of the day what has happened?
you have got old and the world has pissed itself away under your eyes :o)(
fyodor dostoyevsky may have got this right :o()
from the brothers karamazov
god preserve you, my dear boy, from ever asking forgiveness for a fault from a woman you love.
from one you love especially, however greatly you may have been in fault.
for a woman - - devil only knows what to make of a woman: i know something about them, anyway. but try acknowledging you are in fault to a woman.
say, “ i am sorry, forgive me, ” and a shower of reproaches will follow ” !
nothing will make her forgive you simply and directly, she'll humble you to the dust, bring forward things that have never happened, recall everything, forget nothing, add something of her own, and only then forgive you. and even the best, the best of them do it
she'll scrape up all the scrapings and load them on your head. they are ready to flay you alive, i tell you, every one of them, all these angels without whom we cannot live!
i tell you plainly and openly, dear boy, every decent man ought to be under some woman's thumb. that's my conviction - - not conviction, but feeling
a man ought to be magnanimous, and it's no disgrace to a man! no disgrace to a hero, not even a caesar!
but don't ever beg her pardon all the same for anything .....
it's hard to imagine the sort of musical giant lou reed (died today of a failed liver transplant) would have become, outranking the beatles, bob dylan and the rest if he hadn't been crippled at 14 by electroconvulsive therapy, what we know of his music today is just the dregs that a functionally destroyed brain could manage, same with syliva plath and tho not to the same extent, janet frame !
a labour of
love from a very interesting website!
why are some of the most insightful people alcoholics?,
fernando pessoa, dylan thomas, charles bukowski, fyodor dostoyevsky (well his father anyway ‑ messed up fyodor's genes for sure) !
I might be an alcoholic myself except for a respect for the brain and getting bad migraines :o)
pessoa went to durban, south africa at age eight and returned to libson when he was seventeen, the biggest mistake of his life I think, the sun is more intense in durban which he needed and healthier!
a good pessoa quote
“ there are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful ”
reply to a correspondent
yeah it would be helpful to see all the minerals in the hair analysis !
it's a pity you are going into winter, i think one of your issues is likely testosterone dropping off with age and one way of increasing it is to get sun on the testicles since there are receptors in the cells there that respond to sunlight !
testosterone is essential for cardiovascular health !
it takes at least a year to recover from an amalgam removal, you just have to be patient and things will slowly improve, but really you have to try things and read up my
i'd really cut back on wheat
you can get inexpensive blood pressure testers these days, regularly testing it might be a good way to see what is working for you, all the recent research shows that high blood pressure is very destructive
have you ever had your haemoglobin tested, high iron can be an issue for some people !
to be honest i have seen a few people like you over the years, deep down they want some miracle cure and don't accept what i tell them which is to read up and start to do what i recommend which i notice you are avoiding !
the recovery process takes years, but you need to start to get improvements soon !
hormones make a difference , maybe a doctor can give you testosterone injections or something, though i have seen reports that doing this can reduce your own bodies tesosterone production, however this is an area i am not familiar with !
himalayan salt only replaces sodium and chloride, you also lose heaps of potassium and iodine in sweat, heat/sauna is useful , but really you should look at my dual selenium
protocol for sequestering mercury !
bananas !
cathederal is
bananas !
chopper read, a successful writer and very unsuccessful criminal !
chopper read, a successful
writer and very unsuccessful criminal !
chopper read, a successful
writer and very unsuccesful criminal
lol, no-one has herpes in anime !
lol, no-one has herpes in anime !
lol, no-one has herpes in anime
first sunbathing since the 27th of march !
so, for today the 27th oct 2013 12.47-.57pm sunbathed for 10 minutes,
reading 51, solar altitude 60.5°, solar noon is at 1 pm
dave st. germain writes
It sounds to me like
Rumi was getting at what Chuang Tzu said:
“ When a drunken man falls from a carriage, though the carriage may be going very fast, he won't be killed
He has bones and joints the same as other men, and yet he is not injured as they would be, because his spirit is whole
He didn't know he was riding, and he doesn't know he has fallen out
Life and death, alarm and terror do not enter his breast, and so he can bang against things without fear of injury
If he can keep himself whole like this by means of wine, how much more can he keep himself whole by means of Heaven!
The sage hides himself in Heaven - hence there is nothing that can do him harm ”
It's hard to tell if Rumi meant it this way, or if he meant a kind of wreckless abandon like the drunk on a rampage. I prefer the drunk falling off the cart. Actually, he's sorta saying both, but there's a difference between the active and passive embodiments
I've been crazy and frenzied in love, and I wouldn't advise it unless as some kind of personal experiment
One usually doesn't know what's been a valuable lesson until much later
then why was shams-i-tabrīzī murdered by rumi's son?
rumi is abit of a bullshit artist and the original will be way more nuanced as to the problematic than the translations !
translations are naturally distanced from the original writings by the translator's projections and the loss of an understanding of the cultural associations and idiomatic template !
lisa cairns quotes kabir
Are you looking for me?
Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours.
you will not find me in the stupas, not in Indian shrine
rooms, nor in synagogues, nor in cathedrals:
not in masses, nor kirtans, not in legs winding
around your own neck, nor ineating nothing but
When you really look for me, you will see me
instantly --
you will find me in the tiniest house of time
Are you looking for me?
vain illusionist, that in itself is a stupa
having rejected religion, you will find me in religion
having not rejected me in meat
you will find me in vegetables !
when the world is swallowed in a microsecond
have found the secret of life ! :o)(
Are you looking for me?
vain illusionist, that in itself is a stupa
having rejected religion, you will find me in religion
having not rejected me in meat
you will find me in vegetables !
when the world is swallowed in a microsecond
have found the secret of life ! :o)(
the only thing i have ever noticed about death is you never see them again, i don't know what that means or what that is
is it that they wink out of the real or the real winks out with them
most probably some undefineable unresolvable................ that i cannot know : o ) (()
the only thing i have ever noticed about death is you never see them again ! i don't know what that means or what that is !
the only thing i have ever noticed about death is that you never see them again, i don't know what that means or what that is
the only thing i have ever noticed about death is you never see them again, i don't know what that means or what that is
version lisa quotes is by coleman wanks !
my de candyflossed version is
“ the lover is an alcoholic and homeless !
when the dt's get to him he froths and spasms !
close to death anxiety washes from him! let him be, you don't want to dirty your hands ! ”
the version lisa cairns quotes is by coleman wanks
Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about events going badly. Let the lover be
this next version is a pathetic plagiarism by deepak chopra
Let lovers be crazy, disgraceful and wild Those who fret about such things Aren't in love
Rumi's Quatrain no. 5, translated by Gamard and Farhadi
`âshiq hama sâl mast-o roswâ bâdâ dêwâna-wo shôrîda-wo shaydâ bâdâ bâ hoshyârî ghuSSa-yé har chêz khwor-êm chûn mast shod-êm har che bâdâ bâdâ
May the lover be drunk and disreputable the whole year! May he be crazy, frenzied, and love-sick! With sobriety, we suffer anxiety about everything. But when we have become drunk, whatever is to be, may it be!
my version that aims to hit the space rumi may have sorta stumbled into and only got half right !
the lover is an alcoholic and homeless !
when the dt's get to him he froths and spasms !
close to death anxiety washes from him! let him be, you don't want to dirty your hands !
herb deer writes
i had been picturing Ananda as Fabio with robes, but now i'm rethinking this.
i can't believe it's not buddha
herb, it always helps to picture them with a few skin diseases !
the best christ is this
(5:14) with herpes on the lower lip : o )
the best advice is given by one indifferent to both the fate of the advice and those who might follow it
the best advice is given by one indifferent to both the fate of the advice and those who might follow it ! :o ()
the best advice is given by one indifferent to both the fate of the advice and those who might follow it !
the best advice is given by one indifferent to both the fate of the advice and those who might follow it
Russia has so many great artists, writers and poets, my favourites are osip mandelstam and mikhaíl
bulgakov !
my reply
nathan, buddha was also a woman !
who isn't?
lol, Nathan ! paradoxically sex addicts have to be gender blurred, not solely male at all, their brains must be wired somewhat for the much greater female orgasmic response ! so you get the permissiveness of the male with a partial female orgasmic response in the brain and you can then call that sex addiction but like just about everything it's a structural physiological difference !
my reply
sergey, infatuated with alla?
sergey replies
alla pugacheva rocks!
my reply
sergey, yea she's good, but now 64, married to a 37 year old and looking somehow to have
child with him, she's a mixed bag for sure :o)
wow, this year (2013) the couple has twins from a surrogate mother !
you just want to look a bit further, it won't leave you so vulnerable to affective stupidities :o)(
redheads are always trouble, there's a physiological reason for it, the red pigment (pheomelanin)
consumes glutathione which is an essential antioxidant the body makes !:o)
ok, there's abit more to her than
meets the eye !
“ she never sang about politics [...] in a cold, hypocritical time, she sang about simple, natural feelings. and she sang in such a way that every song was a riot against the hypocrisy and heartlessness, against being an automaton. she wanted to live and not just to exist ”
“ what was my worst moment? my best? i think my life consisted only of extremes ”
“ i stepped on the throne of love, a throne made of ice ”
i'm not sure what her true hair colour is, brown or red?
lisa cairns posts
“ let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. someone sober will worry about things going badly. let the lover be ”
it's rumi again :o)
my reply
a lover is thoughtful and considerate, you must have a taste for toxic relationships lisa !
one occasionally hits the nail on the head :o)
life is full of bullshit, but long term trends don't lie :o)
now i don't want to seem too unsympathetic and certainly not holier than thou !
we are all broken toys and everything else gets broken too :o)
less involvement means less grief in my opinion :o)
reply to dave st. germain
i reply on herbs facebook
page and he leaves the comments up !
he's unfortunately too brain damaged from drug and alcohol use i think, there's alot of that around
but the drug free brad warner is gone too from his huntington's genetics
i cannot guess what is wrong with mike port !?
thats agood
article thanks, the whole business is predatory and one is better out of it imo, however the male brain doesn't function that well by itself :o()
yeah celibacy is an unresolvable conundrum !
i'm not keen on hermann hesse
eileen writes
my ugliness
is in
that I am
still here
my beauty is that
reply to kogen's
post titled
night dreams and daymares
well zen is a pro-psychotic :o), you'll see it eventually :o)
the mount tamalpais experience was authentic, the others are just confused junk!
reply to john
i'm not into fasting, it's very metabolically disruptive though i will stop eating up to a day and a half with migraine, that might be called a water fast as i only drink water and take a tiny amount of vit C !
re weight and blood pressure, all i can say is am very trim and have a superb blood pressure of about 90/60 !
i eat lots of pure cream, a fair amount of fat and no butter !
algin being an indigestible polysaccharide is illegal (not permitted!) under the BCD and SCD !
the sad reality of health advice from others i have found is 99.9% useless or misguided, though given with the best intentions !
the last time i saw my mother she was trying to persuade me to eat gluten :o)(
john writes
Here’s a snippet from a FB discussion which gives an example that the Cutler protocol doesn’t work. The members seem indoctrinated and are all “pulling together” and helping each other through chelation.
It’s heartbreaking to be honest! Although I’m having mostly bad days there are others who seem really, really ill and worse than me....
my reply
basically it's a rejection of complexity ! they are pinning their hopes on a simple cure-all and it's a denial of the way health improvement really works which is a synergistic addition of alot of small benefical effects !
this rejection is the way most people think in my observation, so in terms of public uptake a high complexity additive solution like the biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet and
compendium supplement program languishes ! :o()
reply to herb deer's
The First Buddhist Sex Addict blog
ananda never developed a decent understanding and should have been living a householder's life, way too many people get involved in what they are unsuited for !
nothing like children to take that spare energy away ! : o)(
interestingly bob crane, the actor in “hogan's heroes” was a sex addict, he said even as child he was looking up women skirts so i guess it's some structural brain difference :o()
it can also go hand in hand with low serotonin levels, so maybe that is more the core issue, you wouldn't sleep well either with low serotonin !
sasaki never slept well !
crane was beaten to death, possibly/ (certainly?) by his friend and liaison sidekick john carpenter !
i watched hogans heroes regularly in my youth and my mother certainly seemed to find crane attractive !
it's interesting that werner klemperer who played colonel klink ( his father was otto klemperer, the conductor and his mother the soprano johanna geisler and werner was born in cologne ! ) was half jewish and john banner who played sergeant schultz was a full jew born in vienna !
if you read rumi in the original farsi , he's quite abit different to the sentimentalised pap that appears in the west for his work, he's much drier, more allusive and acerbic........... the nearest to that are the a. j. arberry translations, a lot of what in the west that is considered to be rumi are in fact “intepretations” by coleman banks, and really the product of his own mind, so when you get supposed rumi quotes you are really getting the guru coleman banks, so send him your money worship and thanks, he is a distinctly different man with a distinctly unenlightened viewpoint :o) but oh the monkeys go for honey don't they :o)
interestingly the views and translations of ramana and nisargadatta we have are also highly distorted, nisargadatta had a little hierarchy of recorders/translators and as usual with hierarchies, the most incompetent and blind were at the top and did most of the recording
to swallow some-one else too completely is to take their errors on top of your own, and where that leads is very easy to see today, the spewball of what passes for understanding in neo-advaita/non duality and zen !
it's no good relying on backward and misaligned translations, your own work puts you in a different space and you won't be fooled by the likes of tony parsons and jeff foster (bless his schizophrenia :o)
what this work is about is very hard and not comfy at all, the first step is to start to go there and guess where that begins? for at least one person it's leaving this post up ! if you feel it has errors and i don't claim it is perfect, but a distillation of many years experience searching and sorting things out, then reply with what you are taking issue with !
the whole point of posting is to develop and sort your own thinking out, i write this not for your benefit, but mine and hopefully i am a bit of a different person when i have finished this post ! :o)
i can criticize tony parsons and jeff foster because i know for a fact what they say and jeff foster has done me the courtesy of banning me from his face book page with the complete hypocrisy of denial.........,
i can't criticize rumi because what limited amount i read of him in more literal translations hints of a further depth and associative subtlety that goes way beyond and more different than coleman banks's nonsense................
the other big thing about rumi is his life was the usual autistic nightmare, his youngest son murdered rumi's spiritual soul mate (in his early sixties and the recent widower of rumi's under 15 step daughter Keemia), the famed , who is well worth alook at
a shamsi - quote
“ the fools only will take coined gold ”
neo-advaita/non duality, what are you coining? the faces of ramana and nisargadatta? tony parsons, jeff foster and any of that rabble ?
three quotes/translations from rumi and my replies
“Reason is powerless in the expression of Love”
love is malign and reason overwrites it !
“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust”
the stars never scattered, but subsumed :o)
“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment” from the masnavi-i ma'navi مثنوی معنوی
neither clever nor bewildered, what am I?
it's essentially female choice
about it !
it's essentially female choice
it's essentially female choice
low testosterone
causes poor lipid and cholesterol profiles, higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure (hypertension), reduced insulin sensitivity and hyperglycemic control, in short, metabolic syndrome !
also the notorious spare tire and weight gain in older men is partly due to hypogonadalism and low testosterone !
i don't like testosterone treatment or supplementation because apparently the body responds (possibly permanently) by reducing the amount of testosterone it makes, so imo, exposing the testicles to sunlight is the best way to go ! :o)(
to test for thyroid function just put about three drops of
iodine tincture on the underside of the wrist and see what happens, you could do the same with a very small amount of betadine ointment !
just be very cautious with iodine as some people can overreact, but basically small amounts of iodine can really boost thyroid function, a drop of iodine tincture in the mouth on the inside of the lower front lip can really help some, but that's sorta advanced :o)
if you have low thyroid problems, an improvement in thyroid function will bring VERY significant health gains (and weight loss for those that need it !) as the immune system starts to work properly !
as i wrote
earlier , small amounts of neck sweetbreads can also help !
iodine does need tamping down with
selenium but very small amounts of iodine may be ok without selenium !
john replies
Gonna try those sweetbreads Andrew. I'll ask at one of the few butchers shops we have left. Are we talking pork here or will chicken, lamb, beef do the job?
my reply
in fact dessicated (dried) thyroids from pigs can be medically prescribed for low thyroid function, it's an old remedy so i assume pig thyroid hormones are reasonably closely matched to human, my own experience is that australian brush tailed possums have the best thyroids, wallabies are sorta ok and cattle thyroids ok but not great ! sheep may be better than cattle, i don't know, but it's hard to find butchers who will sell them, btw you would be advised not to mention any health use at all because big strong men frighten easily in the face of anything medical !
also be careful to try only very small amounts at first as people with thyroid antibody problems can react too strongly !
also the dual selenium supplementation
protocol as per the compendium is something you should consider as it both sequesters mercury as well as helping "flatten out" thyroid function when you supplement iodine or neck sweetbreads !
zinc is helpful for lead problems as the toxicity of lead is due in large part to its displacing zinc and its binding in proteins !
probably ideal is to find a farmer raising his own pigs in non factory farm conditions and getting a thyroid/neck sweetbread or two when he slaughters, the thyroids will be quite big and you won't need a lot !
cattle thyroids may be ok tho ! ?
there is an astounding and thoughtful intelligence to the works of william turner
the grandfather was anut
anut !
three generations of government of north korea !
the grandfather was anut
anut !
three generations of government of north korea !
when you are enlightened, you will see that your life is constant weeping
when you are enlightened, you will see that your life is just constant weeping ! :o()
when you are enlightened, you will see that your life is just constant weeping
a koan quoted by mike port
As Fayan was excavating a well, the spring’s eye was blocked by sand. He asked a monk, “The spring’s eye doesn’t penetrate the sand blocking it.
When the eye of the Way is blocked, what is it blocked by?”
The monk had no reply.
Fayan answered for himself, “It is blocked by the eye”
my reply
mike do you think for once you could actually live “ the truth of the buddha dharma ” and not delete my reply !
anyway my version is this
As Fayan and a monk were excavating a well, the spring’s source was blocked by dirt and sand
Fayan asked the monk,
“ The spring’s source doesn’t penetrate the dirt and sand blocking it. When infinity is blocked, what is it blocked by? ”
The monk replied “ stupidity ”
Fayan asked
what is it unblocked by?
the monk
intelligent self abatement !
there are several endings one of which they both went back to work, another is fayan hit the monk and told him to go do something else and fayan carried on digging by himself, another is i deleted this reply of mine as unsatisfactory, another is the genie of mike port appeared on the top of the well and starting filling it in..................
it's an odd world, this is one of the best
things on the web, 130 views, how many hundred million for mileycyrus, katie perry, madonna or park jae-sang (psy)
row row your boat gently down the stream
adream !
shouldn't that be bad dream ?
row row your boat gently down the stream
adream ! : o)(
:o ( ))( ()(
shouldn't that be bad dream ?
row row your boat gently down the stream
adream !
shouldn't that be bad dream ? : o()/: o )(
row row your boat gently down the stream
adream !
shouldn't that be bad dream ?
research says that there is aproblem with the higher than normal DHA to EPA ratios of some modified fish oils because EPA has
an anti-depressive effect !
the normal unmodified ratio is about 1:2
what is an attitudinal shibboleth ?
an attitude or belief that the “ in group ” has that distinguishes them from other groups !
people seem less concerned with meaning versus voynich, than with being part of a group!
“ NIR light acts on the mitochondria and heals by ensuring that cytochrome C oxidase enzyme binds with oxygen to turn on protectors and stimulate cell metabolism
Blue light, on the other hand, causes a toxic environment when the immune response has been triggered. That poisonous effect hastens healing of topical wounds by killing bacteria that cause infection
The question is, "What gives light in the longer wavelength its antibiotic effect?"
research suggests that blue light also acts on the mitochondrial enzyme site, but allows cytochrome oxidase to bind with nitric oxide, a free radical that is elevated in the immune response. It's a pairing that poisons the invader ”
with summer coming I try to get some midday sunlight through the temple skull/suture and I think it does improve mood !
reply to herb deer's
10 ways to spice up your zazen blog
the 11th way is to get thrombosis from the impaired circulation :o)
seriously this is an issue as you get older and having been in a few zen centers, I noticed that older teachers were very reluctant to sit !
big diff between 20 and forty I am afraid !
a big mistake people make is to sit after waking in the morning when there has been the reduced circulation from sleeping for how many hours !
I like the Korean way of lots of bows which is way better for moving the blood :o)
Max Waddoups Jr. replies
My Theravada based teacher lost the much of the function of his legs doing extended sit times early in his training in Burma. I think he took his Theravada training in Thailand. He told me it was best to be comfortable, for both health and meditation purposes. At 75 years old it is a real help for me
hi, john
i see you are a pom !
i find the americans are generally dangerously crazy and misguided when it comes to “alternative” health :o)
what are called neck sweetbreads are actually thyroids which you may be able to get from a butcher and if you very very lightly cook them just enough to kill any possible parasites, (even 100C is almost too high a temperature) you should notice they do provide energy from thyroid hormones in them......................
there's no such thing as a mercury free amalgam fillings removal and you may find that it really takes a year to recover..................... also the body has to readjust .............
i don't like the sound of the swollen lymph nodes, however there is plenty to help in the compendium with that in terms of immune stimulation, but you may have some specific infection
what medicine is good for is tests, but generally gp's themselves are useless, their diagnostic skills and brain health gets screwed by seeing too many people with very differing conditions and illnesses all the time, specialists are better value but personally i haven't seen a doctor for many years and for the minor and not so minor problems that come up i do web searching , investigate and solve myself, some simple things like 35% hydrogen peroxide and the very limited use of topical colliodal silver are very good value !
have confidence that with sufficient persistence and attention you can resolve matters, i have always found this the case with myself through what were some difficult situations !
don't worry so much about the mercury and lead at this point, there's very little you can do about them, you just want to take the general approach of the biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet and compendium supplement program and start doing things and get some winners under your belt !
cup songs
an about to be deleted comment to kogen who is removing all my replies from his blog !
it's ok to be scared, I am T E R R I F Y I N G :o)(
an about to be deleted comment to kogen who is removing all my replies from his blog !
it's ok to be scared, I am T E R R I F Y I N G :o)(
herb deer writes
the beauty i find in Zen is that it starts from the premise that there is nothing to hold onto as a fixed reality
is it that there's nothing to hold onto, or no-one to do the holding ?
both and neither
herb what you say is a common view in non dual and zen circles but imho it's heterodox ! having lived most of my life as a sort of unintentional celibate, but in a relationship in much later years so I have seen both sides of the situation, I do think that zen being celibate has been lost sight of, it's just too difficult to be in a relationship and do the work necessary to sort things out in a satisfactory way, and zen today is some sort of degenerate jelly with people wanting the real understanding but are unable to put the time necessary in or have the degree of detachment essential......... so it all becomes a pretence and the regurgitation of clichés ! you would be really the only zen teacher not to delete what I have just written which says almost everything about the current state of zen ! I don't think celibacy is any answer either as most seem to be wasting their time.......... :o(
so..............there are things to hold onto but there is no-one to do the holding and this is orthodox and really the enlightened viewpoint, but the state of zen and the non-dual is such that the so called “teachers” who are almost all lacking the basic enlightenment experience imagine what I have just said to be wrong...........
since zen is about infinity, then it must encompass and be encompassed by the likes of jacques derrida, dylan thomas and charles bukowski............. schopenhauer and emily dickinson................ sa'di and ibn arabi................ whereas the legendary nonsense of the fictitious historical buddha is just plain crap................
what i am saying is the true zen, but it pulls the stitching of the soft toys and not seeing that the stuffing material is already out and all over the place, they swat their pathetic paws and flap and flail in the heterodox clichés and misunderstanding that they have learnt.........!!!!!!!!!!!!
one might ask what is there to hold onto? well that is what the basic enlightenment experience and 30 years of working out shows ! :o)
it's just not there for most people, why they teach and blind others i don't know but that's the way it has always been
rujing and dogen are well known for their complaints on this matter, what was true 900 years ago is just as true today ! :o()
you have a philosophical bent and would find it useful to look at some jacques derrida videos of which there is quite agood selection on you tube, just trying to reconcile what he says with what you understand will be a very opening and empowering process..........
i personally find the sufi mystic sa'di very good too............... seems to address a few issues with me.................. :o)(
one has to break the wall of voynich crap of conventional buddhism, its nonsense stories and plain pull the wool over the eyesingness................
anyway not to delete this post and just leave it at rest and saying what it does is as much of enlightenment as any of us can manage and for the rest just nibbling away at a/the larger viewpoint will bring what it may............... :o)(
i have trouble listening to music now, but i was able to listen to
this :o)(